The Louvre during the Olympic GamesPractical information and programme of cultural eventsThe Louvre during the Olympic Games

The Louvre during the Olympic Games


Olympism. Modern Invention, Ancient Legacy

Visitors will discover how and in what political context the first modern Olympic Games came into being in the late 19th century, the iconographic sources on which they were based, and how the organisers set out to recreate the sporting competitions of ancient Greece.

La trahison des Jeux

31 Mai 2024 -Table ronde au Château de Fontainebleau

Avec Alexandre Farnoux (Sorbonne Université), Violaine Jeammet (Musée du Louvre), Christina Mitsopoulou (Université de Thessalie / Ecole française d’Athènes), Elisabeth Jolys-Shimells (Musée de l’histoire de l’immigration)

Olympisme moderne et archéologie du geste

3 Mai 2024 - Conférence à l'INHA

Par Alexandre Farnoux, Sorbonne Université, commissaire de l’exposition « L’Olympisme. Une invention moderne, un héritage antique »

Practical information

Compulsory booking

All visitors from 1 July to 8 September must book a ticket ahead of time. This includes visitors entitled to free admission and visitors with membership cards.

Tickets available soon.

Days of closure

The Louvre will be open during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, except for 25 and 26 July. The Tuileries Garden will be closed on 28 August.

Opening hours may vary.

Getting here

The museum will remain open to the public all summer long.
The Metro stations ‘Palais-Royal-Musée du Louvre’, ‘Louvre-Rivoli’ and ‘Pyramides’ will remain open during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Vehicular traffic may be severely limited in the area surrounding the Musée du Louvre and the Tuileries Garden.

Visit as a group

Both guided and self-guided group visits to the museum will be possible during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


Vehicular access for visitors with reduced mobility shall be permitted upon presentation of a digital pass obtained via the Préfecture de Police of Paris.

Anticiper les jeux

En groupe ou en famille, en transports en commun, en voiture ou à pied, anticipez vos trajets et vos déplacements en consultant la carte interactive des impacts sur les déplacement en île-de-France

Préparer votre visite à Paris avec l'application Myparisjetaime.

Five museums for the games